Everyone has a story— This is ours

Victor Film Co exists to create stories that connect, inspire, and endure.

Rewriting the rules of storytelling

With a profound passion for storytelling, Christian Ely crafts beautiful and moving films. From an early age, he has spent his life honing the skills necessary to uncover the hidden truths that build truly compelling stories that resonate with audiences. Bringing together a talented team of like-minded filmmakers, Christian launched Victor Film Co. to serve our clientele with powerful storytelling, unique and memorable narratives, and visually stunning films.

Our Core Values

Playful Excellence

We're all about doing excellent work, but also keeping things lighthearted. We believe life's too short not to enjoy the ride!

Dependable Service

You can count on us to follow through every single time. We don't make promises we can't keep and refuse to operate any other way.

Clear Expectations

We believe in open and honest communication, laying everything out on the table. This ensures a clear understanding for everyone involved.

Healthy Communication

We know that healthy relationships thrive on clear communication. This means we create a place for open dialogue, listening, and respect.

Mutual Trust

Trust is everything. We have expert skills in showcasing what makes others shine. This builds strong bonds of mutual trust and confidence.

Our Process


We begin by gathering insight into your project – your budget, timeline, goals, constraints, and any further information that’s helpful for our team to know. We then move into a deeper discovery, where we uncover the “why” behind your film. These conversations allow us to provide you with an accurate scope and set us up for a smooth and efficient process.


With a signed agreement, we sink our teeth into the creative details. We will present our strategies in a treatment, which communicates all of the essential scenes, themes, and tone of each film concept. Based on your chosen direction, we will then begin to hammer out the details involved in capturing actual footage.


After careful prep and a strong story concept, it's time to film! Based on our communication throughout the process, you'll have a clear picture of what this day (or days) look like for your project. Our expert and professional team ensures that everything runs smoothly from first take to the end.


After all footage is captured, we get to work turning it into a compelling story. On average, this phase takes a minimum of four weeks; more if your film requires a heavy amount of additional effects, such as custom animation.


Once the first cut is complete, we are ready for your feedback.  We include up to two rounds of revisions; if further revisions are requested it will incur additional funding. Then, with feedback and revisions complete, we ensure the final cut is buttoned up and ready to be delivered. Upon your approval and final payment, we provide a link to your downloadable film files, ready to use for all your marketing needs.

We create stories that captivate and convert

Most companies have a hard time sharing their story in an effective way.

Victor Film Co. uses the power of stories to move people to action. We take the ordinary and transform it into fascinating tales of human achievement, potential, and beauty. The result - stunningly potent film that positions you as a victor in your market.

In a busy world, it can be hard to cut through the noise. A well-told story can help you stand out
Name, Job Title at Company

You have a story. We're ready to tell it.